H. H. Williamson was a native of Sandy Ridge in Lowndes County and a 1912 graduate of Auburn University. He began his public service as a teacher of vocational agriculture in JackĀson, Alabama.
In June 1918, Mr. Williamson joined the Extension Service as County Agent in Escambia, where he remained for twenty-eight years until 1946. Highly respected, H. H. Williamson was a leader in agriculture during some of the most critical periods of American history. He saw the tremenĀdous changes from mules to motors in the field; the advent of chemical treatments against pests and for promoting increase growth; the agony of the Great Depression; but also the survival and prosperity of the family farmer.
H. H. Williamson was particularly effective in community development. He was respected and therefore able to influence his constituents toward more progressive programs. Most outstanding were his educational activities in cotton and livestock production.
Mr. Williamson had the admiration and love of Escambia farmers for nearly three decades. It is fitting that tribute be paid to this man who spent his life in service to Alabama. The name H. H. Williamson is hereby inscribed on the dedicatory plaque of the Extension Memorial Chapel.
Chapel Plaque Inscription Number: 130