In remembrance …

Johnnie Mae Hooks

(1931 – 2017)

Mrs. Johnnie Mae Hooks, a Supervising Program Assistant and later an Agent Assistant, showed extremely dedicated service during her 32-year tenure with the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. She retired on September 30, 2008, after impacting many with her passion, personality, and diligence.

Hooks supervised six paraprofessionals for 23 years in the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) in Montgomery County AL. Training and mentoring other program assistants, giving sound advice to single parents, and showing limited-resource clients how to get the most nutritive value from economical foods were primary tasks during her years as a supervising program assistant. Hooks forged partnerships with various community centers, churches, and agencies to reach and teach thousands of limited-resource families.

On August 12, 2004, during the 40th Anniversary Celebration of the Auburn University EFNEP, Johnnie Mae Hooks received an award for “Outstanding Professional.” At that time, she was recognized for being a model educator who taught thousands of families about nutrition and how to better utilize food resources to make economical, healthy meals for themselves and their families. Even after retirement, Hooks stayed connected with EFNEP as an integral part of the EFNEP 50th Anniversary Celebration held in 2015.

Hooks worked as a City of Montgomery School Patrol Officer from 1981 until she retired in 2001. She was the first School Patrol Officer to receive a gold watch from the City of Montgomery for her services as an outstanding and dedicated worker. This honor was normally given to Police Officers or Law Enforcement Officers.

She worked with several community organizations and provided countless hours of volunteer work at the Houston Hill Community Center with the summer food program, selling tickets for basketball and football games, and chaperoning summer field trips.

She was a member of the Jackson Street Missionary Baptist Church. Always giving, serving, and caring for anyone in need. She is survived by a large family and many friends with memories of her example of caring.

The Alpha Pi Chapter of Epsilon Sigma Phi honors and remembers Mrs. Johnnie Mae Hooks by placing her name on the dedicatory plaque of the Memorial Chapel.

Chapel Inscription Number: 618