(1929 – 1978)
She was born Sadie Peggie Kynard in Marion, Alabama, on August 22, 1929. At age 22, she had earned her B.S. degree from Alabama A&M College. Her professional career began as an elementary teacher in Uniontown, Alabama.
After three years, Sadie joined the Extension Service in Henry County as a home demonstration agent. From 1954 to 1964, she served the farm families of that area with vigor and dedication. During this time, she managed part-time studies at Tuskegee Institute and received her Master’s Degree in Home Economics in 1962. Continuing her work after marriage, Sadie implemented innovative programs and introduced her clientele to the new 4-H and home economics programs Extension proposed.
For a while, Mrs. Petty left Extension to resume teaching at Enterprise High School. Again, however, she returned to Extension as the 4-H DOT agent in Coffee County in 1973. There she remained until her illness and untimely death.
The work of this intelligent and devoted agent had a profound influence on improving the lives of Coffee County youth and homemakers. In recognition of her many accomplishments, the name Sadie K. Petty is inscribed on the dedicatory plaque of the Extension Memorial Chapel.
Chapel Plaque Inscription Number: 257