(1919 – 1985)
Ann Turner Martin, born December 7, 1919, spent 15 years in Extension, all in Covington County.
Mrs. Martin was appointed Extension Home Agent in Covington, in September of 1966. She worked primarily with 4-H youth, with other duties added later. She retired December 31, 1981, from the position of County Agent.
A graduate of the University of Alabama, Mrs. Martin taught Vocational Home Economics for 10 years and taught piano for nine years. She was valedictorian of her high school graduating class, graduated Magnum Cum Laude at the University of Alabama with honors, including Mortar Board and Phi Beta Kappa. She has since been named Outstanding Home Economics Alumnae.
Community services included pianist for Kiwanis and Civitan Clubs. She also played piano for various community functions. She was a member of Altrusa and was elected as a citizen of the year by the Kiwanis Club in 1975.
Mrs. Martin was heavily involved in church work. She was a pianist, Sunday School teacher, member of the Hand Bell Choir, and served on many church committees.
Jolaine Sims, one of Mrs. Martin’s daughters, said, “Mother was the most Christ-like person I have ever known. She was much in demand, but for all the activities she worked with, I never knew her to be too busy to be kind. She was successful in all she did, including balancing her work with her family and church. As I look back, I wonder how she had time and patience for the day-to-day home life, but I always considered her as mainly my mother. Her work never interfered with our family life.
“Throughout her life young people in the community sought her for advice and always found a friendly smile and Godly wisdom. It never ceases to amaze me the number of young people who considered her their model and wished to be like her. I, of course, am one of them.”
In recognition of the life and work of this fine lady, the name Ann T. Martin is inscribed on the dedicatory plaque of the Extension Memorial Chapel.
Chapel Plaque Inscription Number: 252