Miss Douglas Irene Williams served Alabama Extension with loyalty, efficiency, and dependability for twenty-two years. She was held in the highest regard by all who worked with her and those she worked so diligently to help.
Miss Williams was born in Pulaski, Tennessee, on March 21, 1907. Her family moved to Alabama, where she graduated from Florence Normal School in 1928. Miss Williams then attended the University of Alabama, Howard College, and Auburn University, where she received her B.S. in 1940. Feeling the call to share her knowledge, she taught Home Economics in Ardmore and Tanner and was principal in Copeland during the time she was pursuing her college degree.
Miss Williams’ Extension work began in Montgomery County in 1940. She went on to serve in Dallas, Marion, and finally DeKalb County as Home Demonstration Agent. Her illness and death, while in service, were a tremendous loss to the Extension effort and to those who knew and loved Douglas Williams.
Dr. E.T. York Jr. of the U.S. Department of Agriculture wrote to Miss Williams’ sister expressing how he “felt very fortunate to have had an opportunity to work with her. As you may know, my mother, who was a school teacher in DeKalb County, also knew and worked with Douglas for many years. She, too, had extremely high regard for her.”
Miss Douglas I. Williams is now recognized for her loyal service and devotion to the people of Alabama. In tribute to her life’s work, her name will be inscribed on the dedicatory plaque of the Extension Memorial Chapel.
Chapel Plaque Inscription Number: 38