(1919 – 1985)
Extension depends on a strong and competent secretarial and clerical staff to carry its programs to the people of Alabama. It has been said that well-trained and dedicated secretaries and clerks are as necessary as county agents, specialists, and administration officials.
Rebecca Lipsey Coleman is an excellent example of those who provide the support services that are so necessary for Extension. She devoted 26 years of her life to Extension with her talent and expertise and contributed immensely to the successful program in Pickens County. Rebecca graduated from Carrollton County High School in 1937. Her career with Extension started in 1955 and she retired in 1981. She worked with Triple AAA (Agricultural Adjustment Agency) for four years and three years with the Demopolis Production Credit Association.
Rebecca personally expanded her job description to include anything that enabled Pickens County Extension Service to do a better job of helping families. Farmers felt comfortable in relaying information through her. Often she could even answer their questions and assure that their requests for help would be fulfilled. She also had good background knowledge in 4-H and home economics and was as interested in each phase of the work as if it were her own responsibility. Her inner beauty radiated into a smile for everyone and her sense of humor prevented a catastrophe on many occasions.
Because of her dedication to her job, a willingness to go beyond the call of duty, a winning personality, and varied abilities, Rebecca Lipsey Coleman has left an enviable legacy to Pickens County. It is fitting that her name be inscribed on the dedicatory plaque of the Extension Memorial Chapel.
Chapel Plaque Inscription Number: 147