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Addie Green
Addie Green

Pike County 4-H Volunteer Inducted November 13, 2008 Addie Green has served as a 4-H volunteer leader in Pike County for nearly 15 years. In this capacity, "Miss Addie" has worked with and positively affected the lives of thousands of 4-H members. Green has served in...

Terrell and Anne Guthrie
Terrell and Anne Guthrie

"Papa and Mama," The 4-H Center Managers Inducted November 13, 2008 Terrell and Anne* Guthrie have been a fixture to Alabama 4-H youth, volunteers, and Extension professionals. Papa and Mama Guthrie, as the Alabama 4-H Center summer camp counselors called them, loved...

Audrey Gruenewald
Audrey Gruenewald

Butler County 4-H Volunteer Inducted November 13, 2008 Audrey Gruenewald inspired hundreds of Butler County 4-H'ers through her service, work as a teacher, businesswoman, and mother. As a teacher in the Georgiana school system and later, following the death of her...

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