Calhoun 4-H Volunteer Inducted March 19, 2013 During the 1990s, when you walked into the Alexandria fifth grade hall on 4-H Day, you knew something was up! The students were excited, there were 4-H contest entries on the counter in every classroom and there was...
Wall of Fame - Mar 2013
Helen Tibbs Wilson
Jefferson County Extension Agent (retired)and 4-H Alumna Inducted March 19, 2013 Before the age of 9, Helen Tibbs Wilson knew she wanted to be a part of Alabama 4-H. It was the local Home Demonstration Club that caught her attention. At this time, Extension was two...
Martha “Marti” Warren
Calhoun County 4-H Volunteerand 4-H Alumna Inducted March 19, 2013 When you mention 4-H, Marti Warren's face lights up and she says, "Let me tell you about my trip to National 4-H Congress... " A Tennessee 4-H alumna, she rode the train to Chicago to compete in the...
John Ussery
Partner with County and Regional 4-H Inducted March 19, 2013 John Ussery was instrumental in contributing to 4-H throughout his career with Wiregrass Electric from 1956 through 2004. In the early part of his career, he made photographs at 4-H events including cooking...
Eunice Paige Tibbs
Limestone County Extension Agent (retired)and 4-H Alumna Inducted March 19, 2013 Eunice Paige Tibbs was born and raised in Huntsville. She attended Indian Creek Elementary School and Council Senior High School. She graduated in 1973 from Alabama A&M University...
Ralph Thompson
Baldwin County Extension Coordinator (retired) Inducted March 19, 2013 Ralph Thompson began working in Butler County as a 4-H agent in 1954. While he was in Butler County, he recruited 80 percent of the schools to participate in the 4-H program. There were 4-H members...