(1891 – 1953) Miss Evelyn Peyton lived a full and exciting life, traveling around the world pursuing various studies before working as a home demonstration agent. It was from that position that she retired in Fayette County in 1948. Miss Peyton was born on November 9,...
Book of Memories - P
Sadie K. Petty
(1929 – 1978) She was born Sadie Peggie Kynard in Marion, Alabama, on August 22, 1929. At age 22, she had earned her B.S. degree from Alabama A&M College. Her professional career began as an elementary teacher in Uniontown, Alabama. After three years, Sadie...
Inez Mims Petty
(1927 – 2013) Mrs. Inez Mims Petty started her career with Extension as a Negro Home Demonstration Agent in Lawrence County working with both youth and adults in 1947. According to former 4-H’ers under Mrs. Petty’s leadership, she had a deep passion for her work as an...
Pierce R. Pettis, Sr.
(1891 – 1955) Reared on a farm in Clarke County, Pierce R. Pettis learned to love the land and its people early in life. Education was an important part of Mr. Pettis’ life. He graduated from high school in Jackson, Alabama in 1911. He then attended Auburn...
Brian E. Perkins
(1952 – 2002) Extension lost one of its most dedicated young professionals when Brian Perkins lost his battle with cancer on March 16, 2002. Only 49 years old, Brian was in his professional prime, and his death left a deep void in an important service provided to...
Clyde Dykes Peck
(1914 – 1983) You must be a friend to have one. It is a familiar phrase to us, but it was a testimonial to Clyde Peck, who had friends everywhere she went. It has been said that she loved people better than anyone else could. And, as a result, was one of the most...