In remembrance …

Book of Memories - S

John D. Sellers

John D. Sellers

(1922 – 2005) John David Sellers was born in Cottonwood, Alabama, in Houston County, on May 22, 1922. He worked with the Alabama Power Co. after high school and then with the U.S. Engineers to build Fort Rucker and Napier Field. He joined the Navy Air Corp in 1942 as...

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James H. Sellers

James H. Sellers

(1917 – 1976) He was born James Horace Sellers on April 1, 1917. His home town was Hope Hull, Alabama. His years with Extension were noteworthy but all too short due to his sudden death. James “Dink” Sellers grew up with love of the land and its people in his heart....

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Leroy Lafayette Self

Leroy Lafayette Self

(1893 – 1977) Leroy Lafayette Self, born at Selfville, Alabama, and reared on a farm, gave thirty-two years of dedicated service to the Exten­sion Service before retiring July 1, 1958. He had also served in the U.S. Army from 1917 to 1919 during World War I. After...

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Ophelia May Segrest

Ophelia May Segrest

(1886 – 1967) Florence Ophelia May was born to the land in 1886. As her concern for rural living conditions increased, her deter­mination to do something to help began to crystallize. As a teacher, Miss May learned to identify specific needs of young people. Mentored...

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Charles H. Segrest

Charles H. Segrest

(1922 – 2006) Charlie Segrest came to the Extension Service in 1956 as an assistant county agent in Madison County. From 1962 to 1976, he was a rural resource development specialist, stationed in Tuscaloosa. During that time he helped the rural communities in west...

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Mary W. Segers

Mary W. Segers

(1876 – 1961) A native of Washington, Indiana, Mary Williams Segers spent her early life in public service. Born on August 25, 1876, she completed part of her education in 1898 at Allendale, Illinois. Always in quest of knowledge, she went to several other...

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