(1914 – 2014) There is no one who embodied the spirit of Alabama 4-H more than Miss Ann Barr, although she is quick to point out that 4-H is more than one youth or one adult. She was shy to accept credit for the thousands of youth who benefited from her life’s work,...
Book of Memories - B
Frank M. “Cap” Barnett
(1900 – 1973) Frank Madison Barnett was born February 24, 1900, in Fitzpatrick, Alabama. He graduated from Barnes High School in Montgomery and received his B.S. degree from Auburn University in 1921. After completing his degree, he worked for five years on his...
Andrew Hill Barnett
(1894 – 1990) Andy was one who loved the soil and liked to help farmers derive benefit from their farming. No other county agent spent so much time out where the action was. He walked over the fields with them, advised them, and helped them make a Jot of strides in...
J. D. Barnes
(1876 – 1950) John D. Barnes was born on November 28, 1876, in Clinton, Alabama. He went to Selma High School and then continued his education at Tuskegee Institute. Upon receiving his degree, J. D. secured a teaching position with Greene County. Between 1901 and...
Dena Lee Barnes
(1948 – 2019) Dena Barnes spent all of her employment years with the Alabama Cooperative Extension System after receiving undergraduate and Master’s degrees from Auburn. From an early age, Barnes was inspired by her parents to look around at all the wonderful...
Leome Conner Barker
(1901 – 1968) On September 30, 1901, Leome Conner was born in Millport, Alabama. After high school, she pursued higher education at State Teacher’s College in Florence, Alabama. She received her B.S. from Auburn University and also took courses at the University of...